Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 7

1. On page 93, Kien saw his scout Phan lying there dead with water rising on him. It was so frightened that Kien even made a promised to Phan that he will come back and save him. It look like he just broke a promise. Have you ever broke a promise to anyone?

2. On page 90, there was a quote that said, ''There is no terrible hell in death.'' What do you think this quote means?

3. On page 92, a guy was jumping on him and Kien was terrified that he stabbed the guy numerous times. Kien realized that he stabbed his own scout Phan. Kien now knows that he made a huge mistake. Have you ever made a terrible mistake in your life?

4.Have you ever predicted someones death? If so, explain.

5. Have you ever witnessed someones death? If so, explain.

6. On page 94-96, Kien remembered what happened to Quang in 1966. Quang had been chopped down and his belly was torn open, his intestines pouring out, and his bones seemed to be smashed. But suddenly, Quang want Kien to kill him, but Kien decline. So Quang grab a grenade and held it up and tell Kien to get out. If your friend told you to kill them, would you do it?

7. Do you think the sorrow of war is similar to the sorrow of love?

8. Have you ever wanted a person dead?

9. Have you ever missed someone so much that it felt like your heart was broken into a thousand pieces?

10. Do you know anyone who has bleed to death. If so, explain.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 6

1. I think that parents will pressure their children to achieve. Parents just wanted to pressure them so that they can do well in life. Parents are not trying to hurt their children; they just want their children to be in a good position.

2. There are some conflicts that parents and children have with each others. For example, my mother and I will argue over sports, grades, games, room not cleaned up, events that happened at school, events that happened outside of school or at home, family members, and more.

3. I believe that people can be anything they want to be, but there are some requirement or goals in order to become one. Like I want to become a mechanical engineer. If I failed to meet its requirement, then what the point of me  becoming a mechanical engineer. Also, if you don't have confidence in yourself of being whatever you want to be, then your dream will not come true.

4. I believe that conflicts may not be a winner because conflicts can be a lose situations. But, if the differences are worked out before the conflicts took place, then this would be a win/win situation. If I was having a conflict with my mother or father, I would explain to her in a honest or effective way so that the conflicts would end quickly.

5. The comparison between my parent's relationship and their parent's relationship in China is my parent cared about my well- being just like their parent in China. But, both of my parents are good parent because they are not forcing me to do something that I am not interesting in, but unlike China, I believe that their parents let their children do whatever they want to without repercussions.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 5: Quotation Assignment

Chapter 16: Quotation 1

She didn't live. She didn't get to be fifty. She would never be fifty.

Question 1: Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict.

This quotation does indicate a conflict. It because Cheryl was very upset that she wasn't able to have her mother 50th birthday as planned because of her mother's death. Many people in America probably suffered the same fate. You may have something excited as plan, but when someone tell you some news that is very bad, then your plan will fail and that person will indeed will be angry or upset. And that was Cheryl has did on this chapter.

Question 2: Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

This quotation characterize both Cheryl and her mother. It because Cheryl had something very excited plan for her mother's 50th birthday and see it not happening because of her mother's death. It just like if your mother died and your mother's birthday was on this date, you will be very emotional because you will not get a chance to say happy birthday to your mother, have great time with your mother, or even have a birthday party for your mother because you will not see her around anymore. And this is the same situation that Cheryl is right now on this chapter.

Chapter 16: Quotation 2

"I'll always be with you, no matter what,'' she said. ''Yes'', I replied, rubbing her soft arm.

Question 1: Does the quotation provide detail about the setting? If so, what type of description does it provide? How does the setting description classify the time period?

This quotation provide detail about the setting because they was at the hospital at that time where her mother is about to die. Her mother convinced that when she died, she will always be on her side, no matter what the situation was. She was also saying that she will always love her deep down inside. This will be the same situation where I have with my cousin who is now in the 12th grade. He always told me that he will always be with me no matter what the conflict is, but my cousin and I are very close to each other and when one day that I will not see him around no more, I will always think about all of the fun time together, and all the ups and down throughout the years.

Question 2: Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?

I don't think there was any conflict between Cheryl and her mother. Like it wasn't fully any problem between each other, but Cheryl on the story wanted to know what are you going to do with her mother's body. Her mother said that it doesn't matter where her body will ended up at, but Cheryl wanted to know right away and her mother said that she wanted to burn her body in ashes. Also her mother wanted to donate her organs right before Cheryl told her what do she want to do with her remaining body. When my family member died, they wasn't burn in ashes. They was laying on the casket bed and if your family member was burn in ashes or not, you will never see them again and it feel so emotional deep down inside me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 4: Quotation Assignment

Chapter 8: Quotation 1

" But it's not safe for any of us to go into the snow. Together or alone.'' I said. (pg. 120)

Question 1:  Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

This quotation characterize Cheryl. It characterize by how concerned she is and how she don't wanted these two men to be in danger including herself. It remind me of my parents. My mother will be in a situation where she will tell me to don't be in this dangerous environment. It made me concerned whether she witnessed this before or she heard this before from a friend or a neighbor. But my father will said that I am man enough to go and that I can know when the dangerous situation will happen and he will told me to go straight home. But at the same time, my father will have to be overprotective toward me because he don't want nothing to happened to me as well.

Question 2:  Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?

This quotation does indicate a conflict. The conflict is that Cheryl doesn't want Doug and Tom to come with her, but Doug and Tom wanted to come with her because they don't want nothing to happen to Cheryl. And that makes Doug and Tom very anxious. If they doesn't fix this conflict, Cheryl, Doug, and Tom all could be in great danger.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 3

The summary of this article is about Jim Clement who went to his first 20 hikers and he talk about his experience while hiking. He said that many people had a change of heart about hiking in this cold environment. Many people may had changed their mind because they think that this environment may be too dangerous for themselves. They probably changed their mind because they believed that they don't have the experience to do this activities. And the main reason that they don't want to hike in the PCT is because of what animal that they might witnessed and they don't want to be eaten. But Jim Clement convinced that yes it not be as easy as you may seem, but if you have the desire to do it, all of the things you have to bring in the hike, and the mental focus of hiking all of the way to the top of the mountain, then there will be nothing to worried about. You always make sure that you have everything that you need and if you don't, then you will be in a lot of trouble. One interesting thing about this article is it shows date and year of which this event has occurred. One fact about this article is that late season snow hasn't been seen in about 30 years. And I have one question: Do you want to go hiking in this particular environment meaning do you want to go hiking while it is snowing?

You can read this article at this link:

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Strengths and Weakness

When it comes to writing, it is not as easy as it may seem. When writing a poem or a story, it takes time and preparation to make sure it's written correctly. Never write in a fast pace because your words that  you trying to get out will come out wrong or misunderstood. My strength is whenever I write, I try to have my story in my head. So I can make sure it's well-developed when I put it on my paper. There are areas of improvement I need to improve on. The main one that I need to improve on is writing a thesis statement. Sometimes, it's hard to come up with one because I always feel it doesn't sound good or written correctly.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


My name is Derrick Dickerson Jr and I am currently taking AP English 11 at B.C. Rain High School. I have so much to say about myself. I like to listen to music, spending time with my family, play video games, and play basketball. I was playing basketball ever since I was five years old and a couple of years later, I continue to fulfill my dream to become a professional basketball player. But basketball is really not the only thing I want to do in my life. I always wanted to become an engineer. Math and science really help me wanted to become an engineer and that makes me feel motivated deep down inside. There are so many types of engineering class in college, but the only one that I want to choose is to be a  mechanical engineer. My expectations of this school year is to continue what I suppose to do each and every week and it is to become a successful student. The only way to be successful during school  is to be in school on time, doing my work, make my GPA goes higher, do well in the ACT test, and most importantly pass my AP exam next year. This course is going to be tough, but by learning through this with the rest of my classmates, there is nothing to be worried about.