Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 6

1. I think that parents will pressure their children to achieve. Parents just wanted to pressure them so that they can do well in life. Parents are not trying to hurt their children; they just want their children to be in a good position.

2. There are some conflicts that parents and children have with each others. For example, my mother and I will argue over sports, grades, games, room not cleaned up, events that happened at school, events that happened outside of school or at home, family members, and more.

3. I believe that people can be anything they want to be, but there are some requirement or goals in order to become one. Like I want to become a mechanical engineer. If I failed to meet its requirement, then what the point of me  becoming a mechanical engineer. Also, if you don't have confidence in yourself of being whatever you want to be, then your dream will not come true.

4. I believe that conflicts may not be a winner because conflicts can be a lose situations. But, if the differences are worked out before the conflicts took place, then this would be a win/win situation. If I was having a conflict with my mother or father, I would explain to her in a honest or effective way so that the conflicts would end quickly.

5. The comparison between my parent's relationship and their parent's relationship in China is my parent cared about my well- being just like their parent in China. But, both of my parents are good parent because they are not forcing me to do something that I am not interesting in, but unlike China, I believe that their parents let their children do whatever they want to without repercussions.

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