Thursday, November 30, 2017


This novel, Frankenstein is truly an amazing book. Victor's ambitious became a huge part throughout this novel and it involves not only his creation but also his family. The monster seemed out of touch for Victor because of the way Victor treated him and the monster is trying to fit in with the other humans so that he is not just scary, but also caring. The humans react to the monster to the way that people expected to because he is scary, but I seemed that they need to know so much about this creature rather than making the creature look bad. But at the end of the poem, I think that the monster is finally free because the monster doesn't have to deal with his problem with Victor any longer.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Macbeth Act 1 Reading Journal

Based on reading this poem, I would like to say that this was a start of becoming a good poem. On Act 1, Scene 1, it talked about the three witches about to meet Macbeth despite  thunder and lightning. The witches said that they will meet Macbeth ''when the battle's lost and won'' and when ''fair is foul and foul is fair. On Act 1, Scene 2, King Duncan confront a captain that was returning from battle. He was describing Macbeth's attack on the castle of Macdonwald, in which Macbeth was very successful on doing that. Ross and Angus enter with breaking news that The Thane of Cawdor has joined forces with Norway. Scene 3 talk about how Banquo and Macbeth repeating what the witches had told him and once he was named the Thane of Cawdor, he realized that this is actually real. Scene 4 is dealing with King Duncan  and he wanted to know if the former Thane of Cawdor has been executed. He also praised his two sons for thir loyalty and bravery. In the rest of the scene, Lady Macbeth read a letter from Macbeth that describes his meeting with the witches. This is where she started making all of the preparations for the king's visit and next murder. And on Scene 7, Lady Macbeth and his husband kill King Duncan despite him being drunk and they will blame the two bodyguards for his murder since they were drunk too.  This Act is only the beginning of what happened next, so Act 2 would be excited to read.

Macbeth Act 2 Reading Journal

Based on reading this poem, I would like to say as I read each scene in Act 2, I am started to see what is really going on. Act 2, Scene 1 is discussing Banquo and his issue with the witches' prophecy. As Macbeth enters the scene, Macbeth seem like he has little thought to the witches' prophecy. On Scene 2, Lady Macbeth seem worried that the bodyguards have awakened before Macbeth had plant the evidence on them. Macbeth seem shocked of what transpired and he feel guilty of his actions. In Scene 3, the Porter imagines that he is the porter at the door to Hell. The Porter was very strange in a way meanwhile Macduff ask Macbeth whether the king is awake yet. But then, he noticed that the king is dead. In the last scene, Ross and the old man discuss the unnatural events that have taken place recently and when Macduff enters, Ross asks whether the culprit has been discovered. The two sons seem very suspicion as Ross say that Macbeth will surely be named the next king. But Act 2 was like the fallout of the murder of King Duncan and a little details of what you need to know as we read the next Act in Macbeth.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Psalm 53

53 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.
Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread: they have not called upon God.
There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame, because God hath despised them.
Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! When God bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

  •  Line 1: The meaning of this line is that sinful people do not believe in God. It is a wicked thing to deny God, and a denial of God is often accompanied by a wicked lifestyle. It shows some characteristics of the sinful people.
  • Line 2: The meaning of these lines is that God looks from heavens on humans to see if anyone is wise to be with God.
  • Line 3: The meaning of this line is that they turned their back on God and they become filthy.
  • Line 4: The meaning of this line is that the workers of iniquity doesn't understand what is happened right now. They mistreated these people as if they are worthless.
  • Line 5: The meaning of this line is that they was terrified even though they claim that there is nothing to be worried about. God started annihilates those who attack us trustworthy people. The whole purpose is that God has rejected them.
  • Line 6: The meaning of this line is that God will started bring back his people. He wanted everyone to be joyful.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

King Lear Review

I've read King Lear for weeks and although I didn't learn anything new about the play, I was able to get a full understanding of it. I love the way Cordelia was very honest about King Lear, but also she loves his father very much. Also I like the loyalty of both Kent and Gloucester in Edgar's attempt to heal his father's soul through his scheme. The most important in this play was Lear grows in understanding and compassion even as he grows in grief and madness.

There was some characters in the play that made some bad decisions. There was Oswald receiving the devotion to Gonreil, Edmund was tardy, but instead he was attempt to save Cordelia and Lear's soul in a way that heroes supposed to deliver, and Cornwall's servant had the saving effort to involve in the blinding of Gloucester by wounding the master despite the fact that he has all of the respect all his life. I love reading plays and I hope that others can understand why this was an awesome play.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Man vs Evil

Many people in this village can say anything about me, but I'm always a honest person. I'm responsible for making any outcome come to an end. There was 4 Orders in which they supported themselves by begging because that what our roles was. That was our sacrifice that burns inside us. When people have an issue, they will turn to me to say my own opinion about their problem. The Pope and I have a mutual interest from one another. The Pope told me that I am an easy man in forgiveness, so I'm feel glad that I'm continue to do this.  It like God gave me a thumb up in appreciation.

There was one individual that I displease with. This person was from bad to worse in any situation. This is the person that should go straight to hell. His name is the Summoner. He serves other summonses to church courts and I thought that I trusted him to do his duty. I trusted him to make a huge decision with precise and dignity. I trusted him to be a humble person. I trusted him to be a thoughtful person. I trusted that he is a man. But what does he do? How does he react beased on this? I will tell you; he despise me. He wanted to do whatever he want to do and he seem good about it. I have enough, so I confronted the Summoner and he is very vivid about what I'm about to say. He say his side of the story by saying that everyrhing is going to be fine and I say that if that is the case, then why am I hearing about people having to do these requests by a summoner and if they refuses, a summoner will do something about it. There was a back and forth conversation between us and we ended the conversation in the worst way possible.

As weeks gone by, I'm sitting here very puzzled of what crazy things that the Summoner may do now. I heard that the Summoner is now pimping with these womens. These womens referred to as prostitutes. The Summoner can do these things and get away with it as a piece of pie. I am disguted. I am terrified. I am sick of seeing this boy doing these thing as if he is a boss. I am sick of seeing him being an abysmal human being. You know what? He is an embarrassment to this villiage and I hope something bad happened to him. I hope that he goes to hell.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 3

The Middle Ages was a turbent and violent period yet it known for its key dates and events. The timelines and biographies of the most famous Middle Ages people includes great nobles, warriors, religious leaders and explorers of Europe and England during the Medieval period of the Middle Ages. During this time, women plays a key role in this society. They have to take care of the children, prepare for food, tending livestocks, etc. They also involved in vital cottage industries in which the women worked really hard on. And, they had to take care of their husband and help them picking up  the crops. Since there were Peasants, it seem as if they are these unsophisticated person that doesn't seem too happy about it. The Medieval society for the woman was probably horrendous for them because they don't seem to take a break. And last, their symbol was a distaff in which it is used for spinning flax and wool.

Work Cited:

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Introduction to Geoffrey Chaucer

Since the start of professional study of historical records in the nineteenth century, besides, it has become clear that Chaucer is one of the best-documented of early writers. Geoffrey Chaucer is a English poet of the Middle Ages who is an author of The Canterbury Tales (1837-1400). He also wrote a string of other surviving works in verse and prose. His importance was recognized soon after his death. He had a lovely wife named Philippa de Roet at that time. He also was a useful servant in his own right.  His collected works were first printed in 1539 and have remained available to readers ever since. For centuries, he has been one of the most influential authors ever to have written in English .

Monday, February 13, 2017

A Letter to Advice Communist

Dear Advice Communist,

My name is Grant and I have a major problem and I need your assist. A person named Jefferson was sentenced to death and people call him a hog. So, what I need to do is to convince him that he is no boy; he is a man. I have to finished this task before he croak. I have no idea of how to start this process so as a result, I have come to you for some advice. If you know any steps, will you please suggest me to tell Jefferson of how to be a man before time runs out?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chapter 5 and 6 Assignment ''A Lesson Before Dying

Chapter 5

1. Grant's classroom was the church as discussed on page 34. This is the reason why the class encounter there.

2. Grant was supposed to teach this class for six months of that year, but he actually would allowed to teach five and a half months when the children were not needed in the field. Also on page 34, he would start doing that from late October to the middle of April.

3. Grant goes into a lot of detail regarding Jefferson. He would say that Jefferson will be killed because he is very irritate with many thing that stuck on his mind. So, he vents to his students to cause them unhappiness due to his emotions as well.

4. When Mr. Farrell arrived in the classroom, he bring the news about Mr. Pichot and he wanting to speak to Grant on that evening.


''In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.'' ''The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.'' Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me.''  (pg 33)

''Jesus wept.'' (pg 34)

Chapter 6

1. Grant has gone to Mr. Pichot's house so that he can meet with about Jefferson.

2. Grant sits and waits in Mr. Pichot's kitchen for about 2 and a half hours.

3. Edna makes Grant to shake hands even though she doesn't want to get close to him. She probably was afraid due to the color of his skin and she tries to be polite from a distance.

4. Grant was acting like he was very clever towards the white man, which resulted to Grant insulted him. Grant reveals that he is not as dull as the white saw him.


''There ain't a thing you can put in that skull that ain't there already.'' (pg 50)

'' To show too much intelligence would have been an insult to them. To show a lack of intelligence would have been a greater insult to me. I decided to wait and see how the conversation would go.'' (pg 47)

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Quotation Assignment

Chapter 3

'' I didn't raise no hog, and I don't want no hog to go set in that chair. I want a man to go set in that chair.''- page 20

2. This quotation characterize Jefferson in many ways. Ever since the judge sentenced Jefferson to death, Jefferson now is a hog based on what many believe he had did during the time of the robbery. Even if Jefferson was innocent, nobody is against Jefferson during the trial and it hurt Jefferson because he know that he had to be sentenced to death. I would also said that it characterize Miss Emma because she knows that Jefferson is not a hog. He knows that Jefferson is innocent. And she would do what it takes to fix this.

3. This quotation indicate a conflict. The reason is Miss Emma doesn't want Jefferson to set in that chair because she knows that Jefferson is innocent. Also, Miss Emma knows that if Jefferson does in fact set in that chair, she said that at least that he will set on it as a man, not a hog.

Chapter 3-4 Discussion Question

Chapter 3

1. There was an interchange provided between Henry and Miss Emma that represents the uneasy relationship that remain between the races. Henry's insistence that Jefferson ''did it'' redirect the plot narrative because Henry believes that Jefferson is guilty and he knows that Jefferson was responsible for his actions during the crime scene.

2. Miss Emma keep pushing Grant to go, but she is not seeing Grant as this same person for a very long time.

3. Analyzation: When Grant went away from college, he vowed to never enter through the servant's entrance of Pichot ever again. He refreshed that in his memory and how he felt that when he was young. It like things have never changed.

4. She want somebody else to take her place even though she really want Mr. Henri, not the sheriff.

Chapter 4

1. It emphasizes and expands on the public defender's summation in Jefferson's trail which occurred in Ch1. It echo the public defenders summation in the trail. Just like the hogs being killed in the slaughterhouse, Jefferson compared to a hog earlier in the story, and it shows that he will be  killed like an animal.

2. He feel compelled to flee because of how he have to teach Jefferson how to die when Grant himself doesn't know what to start on this process. What keep him there was his light-skinned girlfriend Vivian. The narrator did in fact expresses the need to get away from the town where he lives until that plan had turned around once he had a girlfriend.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

''I Have A Dream''

In his speech, Dr. King strategies that he uses was repetition. During the beginning of the speech, he repeatedly said ''Now is the time''. As a civil rights leader, he thought that it should be done rather than later. According to the text, he said, ''Now is the time to lift our nation from the quails sands of racial justice'' and as well as ''Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.'' He said it in a passionate way so that all of the people can rise, stand up, and believe that anything can change in American society.

Additionally, the uses of pathos in his speech was tempestuous. Toward the end of his speech, he stated, '' With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. The sense of emotion that comes into phrases like ''despair a stone of hope or beautiful symphony. Dr. King keep saying this in an emotional, but in a intelligence way to show why there is hope in American society and why there is hope in American culture. Dr. King hopes that everyone will able to respect one another, no matter what race that each people represents.