Monday, January 15, 2018

Emily Dickinson's Quotes

1. ''Forever is composed of nows.''

This quote explaining that because all events are done in the now, that means all the past events and all the future events are done in the present. We can see the past, present, and future as now when time is being discussed. Lastly, since the news is done in the immediate, the events are unlimited.

2. ''That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.''
This quote explaining that everyone will die eventually and even if people knew this phase, it enables us to die. If life were to never end, then it wouldn't be so sweet as Emily had said. It is best to fulfill your dreams and have the greatest time of your life because you will never know what would happened tomorrow.

3. ''If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.''

This quote explaining that she will not live in vain if she were to stop someone heart from breaking. She will not dwell on the past because her life will then having meaning.

4. ''If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.''

This quote explaining that if she feel physically as if the top of her head were taken off, then that is poetry. I think that the poem that she wrote probably had an experience on the reader since she made a reference that she would read a book that was written by anyone she admire.

5. ''This is my letter to the world
     That never wrote to me.''

This quote explaining the connection between Emily and nature. The word that describe this connection is entrust. Nature's message is entrusted into invisible hands. Entrust is defined by assign the responsibility  to do something so I assume that Emily wanted nature to respond.

6. ''Saying nothing sometimes says the most.''

This quote explaining that it is important to be good talkers. Sometimes, the most powerful thing a leader can say is actually nothing. For Emily, silence has a habit of revealing meaning.

7. ''I dwell in possibility...''

This quote explaining her interest in the power gained by a poet through their poetry. The metaphor is being used to show a sign that poetry is possibility. Not only that it is a sign that poetry is possibility, but it can be more beautiful.

8. ''Nature is a haunted house--but Art--is a house that tries to be haunted.''

This quote explaining that there is no way demeaning towards art. She was intensity saying that art imitates nature. But, the implication of the remark goes further.

9. ''Parting is all we know of Heaven,
  and all we need of Hell.''

This quote explaining that we part with those who die and hopefully-go to heaven, which is ironically, an eternal happiness for them. It shows a powerful paradox which is the parting of both heaven and hell. However, we who are left behind suffer the pain of their deaths.

10. ''I have been bent and broken, but- I hope-into a better shape.''

This quote explaining that she had been very depressed and underused for a long time, and she hopes that one day, that will change. Emily had to deal with events that change her personality and she doesn't want to ruin her for the rest of her life.

11. ''in this short life
     that only lasts ah hour
    how much-how little-is
    within our power.''

This quote explaining that Emily probably doesn't feel control of her life. An understatement is being used in this quote because she says that life only last ah hour. Lastly, her statement could one mean one thing: How much of our life are we in control of?

12. ''Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon.''

This quote explaining that people what tried these things for the first time had now had experience this method. And something when you make those decision, it ma haunt you. This is where it releases a little demon comes into play. It depend on our decision-making throughout your life.

13. ''To shut our eyes is to travel.''

This quote explaining that when you close your eyes, it can takes you inside yourself and for Emily, it shows a lot of emotions for her and she wants to envision what her life would be like. There is a chance that Emily's accuracy increases when she closes her eyes. It happened to man people after her so it would persuade Emily to recall those events in perspective.

14. '' open me carefully''

This quote explaining that she want to let her frustration out. She want her little demons to come out of her; she is feeling very open-minded. She seemed calm and wanted everything to go back to normal.

15. ''Till I loved I never liked enough.''

This quote explaining that love is life, and life is nothing without love. This is what Emily is dealing with because she fallen in love with a man and without him, she will suffer.

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