Monday, February 13, 2017

A Letter to Advice Communist

Dear Advice Communist,

My name is Grant and I have a major problem and I need your assist. A person named Jefferson was sentenced to death and people call him a hog. So, what I need to do is to convince him that he is no boy; he is a man. I have to finished this task before he croak. I have no idea of how to start this process so as a result, I have come to you for some advice. If you know any steps, will you please suggest me to tell Jefferson of how to be a man before time runs out?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chapter 5 and 6 Assignment ''A Lesson Before Dying

Chapter 5

1. Grant's classroom was the church as discussed on page 34. This is the reason why the class encounter there.

2. Grant was supposed to teach this class for six months of that year, but he actually would allowed to teach five and a half months when the children were not needed in the field. Also on page 34, he would start doing that from late October to the middle of April.

3. Grant goes into a lot of detail regarding Jefferson. He would say that Jefferson will be killed because he is very irritate with many thing that stuck on his mind. So, he vents to his students to cause them unhappiness due to his emotions as well.

4. When Mr. Farrell arrived in the classroom, he bring the news about Mr. Pichot and he wanting to speak to Grant on that evening.


''In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.'' ''The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.'' Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me.''  (pg 33)

''Jesus wept.'' (pg 34)

Chapter 6

1. Grant has gone to Mr. Pichot's house so that he can meet with about Jefferson.

2. Grant sits and waits in Mr. Pichot's kitchen for about 2 and a half hours.

3. Edna makes Grant to shake hands even though she doesn't want to get close to him. She probably was afraid due to the color of his skin and she tries to be polite from a distance.

4. Grant was acting like he was very clever towards the white man, which resulted to Grant insulted him. Grant reveals that he is not as dull as the white saw him.


''There ain't a thing you can put in that skull that ain't there already.'' (pg 50)

'' To show too much intelligence would have been an insult to them. To show a lack of intelligence would have been a greater insult to me. I decided to wait and see how the conversation would go.'' (pg 47)

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Quotation Assignment

Chapter 3

'' I didn't raise no hog, and I don't want no hog to go set in that chair. I want a man to go set in that chair.''- page 20

2. This quotation characterize Jefferson in many ways. Ever since the judge sentenced Jefferson to death, Jefferson now is a hog based on what many believe he had did during the time of the robbery. Even if Jefferson was innocent, nobody is against Jefferson during the trial and it hurt Jefferson because he know that he had to be sentenced to death. I would also said that it characterize Miss Emma because she knows that Jefferson is not a hog. He knows that Jefferson is innocent. And she would do what it takes to fix this.

3. This quotation indicate a conflict. The reason is Miss Emma doesn't want Jefferson to set in that chair because she knows that Jefferson is innocent. Also, Miss Emma knows that if Jefferson does in fact set in that chair, she said that at least that he will set on it as a man, not a hog.

Chapter 3-4 Discussion Question

Chapter 3

1. There was an interchange provided between Henry and Miss Emma that represents the uneasy relationship that remain between the races. Henry's insistence that Jefferson ''did it'' redirect the plot narrative because Henry believes that Jefferson is guilty and he knows that Jefferson was responsible for his actions during the crime scene.

2. Miss Emma keep pushing Grant to go, but she is not seeing Grant as this same person for a very long time.

3. Analyzation: When Grant went away from college, he vowed to never enter through the servant's entrance of Pichot ever again. He refreshed that in his memory and how he felt that when he was young. It like things have never changed.

4. She want somebody else to take her place even though she really want Mr. Henri, not the sheriff.

Chapter 4

1. It emphasizes and expands on the public defender's summation in Jefferson's trail which occurred in Ch1. It echo the public defenders summation in the trail. Just like the hogs being killed in the slaughterhouse, Jefferson compared to a hog earlier in the story, and it shows that he will be  killed like an animal.

2. He feel compelled to flee because of how he have to teach Jefferson how to die when Grant himself doesn't know what to start on this process. What keep him there was his light-skinned girlfriend Vivian. The narrator did in fact expresses the need to get away from the town where he lives until that plan had turned around once he had a girlfriend.